Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Things...

Hey Readers, Well, Im all moved it. Things have been a whrilwhind since and right now is about the first REAL time I've had to sit down and relax a bit. We have been go go go since last night. I will say that after yesterday, I slept like a queen. Most of the time a new place is hard for me to sleep in, but not last night. I was so tired that I just came back at like 11 and just crashed. I woke up this morning and headed over to the opening worship service, which was nice, but kinda long. Then quickly headed over to lunch before our 130 presentation. No break after that. Off to another event. Then it was tale gate time for the Women s soccer team. Dimora (My House) has two soccer players on our house, so I will be attending a lot of soccer games. There is also a LONDON OLYMPIAN that is our woman's soccer team goalie. It was AMAZING to watch her play. She plays for one of the south American soccer teams. She is an INCREDIBLE player. Fresh from London. So fun. Tonight at 8 we had yet another event that was mandatory to attend Now I'm back here hanging out for a quick bit Tomorrow is our first day in our "freshman" class: Critical Thinking.It should be interesting. Things are slowly becoming normal again, and I only see and feel positive things happening. Love and Hugs -N

Friday, August 17, 2012


Hey Readers, Now, I know by the view count that SOMEONE is out there reading. I will say I'm pretty happy about that. Not that I blame anyone for not wanting to read about me anymore. You've been reading about my life for the past year. To be frank, I'm tired of it. Hahaha.Don't get me wrong. This is a great outlet for me to get thoughts that float around out of my head, and if people want to read it, than AWESOME. If not, Eh. I'm more than one hundred percent sure that this is mostly more for me than anyone else, but I like to think that I am writing to someone. Gives me something to do. This week has been fairly uneventful. My days of living in KC are coming to a close, and a piece of my heart is very happy. Its time. I need to move on. Work on my smarts, find something new, maybe even discover something else about myself. That really doesn't sound half bad. Getting to do something new for a while. I love my family and I certainly love the community of support and YES, I'm going to miss my family, my friends here, and that overwhelming feeling, but I've also got this feeling about GU. Something tells me that I'm about to find something that will be far more than just a college education. I've spent the last year around adults, and I've spent most of my life around "adults". It will be nice to be around people my age for an extended amount of time. I do worry. I'm going to be doing a lot more activity than I've been doing. Am I going to be able to keep up? Will I be able to keep up with my classes, given my "foggy" memory? Fears and worry. Always a part of me. I think that it is in my genes. I know that I will have exactly what I need in the next year. I've never felt more ready in my fear that I do heading away from home. Last year at this time? Not so much. Maybe that's a perk. Cancer got me ready for college, and well, the real world, life. love and hugs, -N

Monday, August 13, 2012


Hey Everyone, Do you remember when you where little and promises meant the ENTIRE world to you? That small pinky promise meant the entire world. About a year ago when this crazy thing I call my life took me on an awkward turn my eye doctor Dr. Whittaker, PROMISED me that after brain surgery if my eyes we'rent fixed, He would personally do it. He promised that I would get my sight back. I was fixedated on him making that promise come true.Dr. Whittaker made his promise come true. I knew going into the OR that we were giving this the ol' "college-try."Maybe this wouldn't work. Maybe I would wake up with the same vision that i went to sleep in. But Dr. Whittaker did his job. I am SO thankful for him. I could just hug the guy. As I am typing this, I have my glasses, yes, but they are prism free and it makes life so much sweeter than with a prism attached. Woooooo!!! Sometimes when you are little you have to be able to forget about little promises that where made with whomever, but this was one promise that I never wanted to give up. I wanted my eyes back, even if that means glasses. There are worse things. I will touch on this quickly, before I went back to the OR, I got to meet with Dr. Whittaker one last time. He went over the operation and what exactly he would do. A little bit of me was freaking out about the possible pain I would be in when I woke up. Then Whittaker did something I wish every doctor would do. He grabbed my hand, and said a simple prayer to our God to guide the surgery and keep things going well. Instantly after "Amen" was said I was at ease. I knew that things would go well. What a relief. God has blessed me immensely. Not only by God, but also by all of you and your love, prayers, and support sent my way. Love and Hugs -N

Friday, August 10, 2012

Seeing Again

Hey Everyone, Today goes to a tally on the good day board. I can finally see only one of everything again. Its been an entire year with glasses that had prisms and the Doctor told my parents after surgery was other that we can take those babies off my glasses!!!!! Score for Natalie. I may need the prescription part of my glasses, but I can handle that. No big deal. I might even get new ones. I know mine have gotten me lots of complements,but I'm ready for a change. I feel the change in the air. The most wonderful winds of change. Can you feel it too?? As of right now, just hours out of surgery, I in no real pain, mostly the stitches in my eyes are causing discomfort, and for that I am Thankful. I can handle discomfort even. I return to see the doctor on Thursday and I've got my fingers crossed for a good report. He said that by Sunday that irritation should be fading, and blinking wont be so bad. Im trusting him, that guy is smart. I've been extremely lucky with doctors this year. from Dr. Smith coming back to KU for oncology, getting one of the best brain surgeons with Dr. POllack, to June when Dr. Coupe referred me to KU. What a blessing. I've always had the best working on my team. That includes =ALL of you beauties too. Love and Hugs,-N

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Big Changes..

Hey Everyone, I really don't have much going on. My life is starting to take on a same day cycle. For maybe the first time in my life, I am 100% okay with it. I like not having to go anywhere or do anything. I have about three more weeks in KC before Im off to the big town of Lamoni. After today, Doctors are taking over my life, yet again. Pre-Anastasia tomorrow afternoon, Pre-op. with Dr. W on Thursday, and surgery on Friday. Then I plan on spending my weekend resting, and hopefully not in to much pain from the stitches in my eyes. Ill have about a week before I'm back to Dr.W for a post op. appointment.Tired yet? Me too. I am trying to spend as much time as I can with my family and friends before I head off to school. But, I am getting so excited to FINALLY be on campus and starting my education up again.There is just something about being out of something like that, that makes you happy about getting it back. Given I didn't always love school before, I am excited now. Its new, its different, its focuses, its independent. Ill miss my friends and family so terribly much, but I know that I will make new relationships that will mean something to me and my life. I will be making lots of trips home to see the doctor, so my face will pop up every once in a while. I may be done with cancer and all that entails, but cancer/doctors aren't done with me. Love and Hugs. -N

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chicago and Dream Factor

Hey everyone, Wowie wow. Its been quite the last few days. Last Saturday. Mom, Dad, and I left to go to Chicago, IL to see our old neighbors for their oldest son's graduation party. We didn't tell them we were coming, so it was nice to be the surprise for once. It was a blast!! We got to also go to the do some shopping at their HandM, visit the Navy pier, ride on a tall ship, and go to the Planetarium. After the Planetarium we drove in five o lock traffic (why? Yeah, We sometimes don't make the smartest choices_ to take my first visit to IKEA. Can you be in love with a store? If you can, Its this place for me. We got a few things for me to take to school with me, and even some fun toys for the kiddies. After a night in the outskirts we woke up and headed to Springfield, IL to visit President Lincoln, AKA the BEST guy around. We went to his house, street, and to his bronze statue. It was SO hot, but I managed to get a photo in before my butt seemly burned off. After deciding it was much to hot, we went back to our hotel, got a swim in and headed to dinner and bed. Before we left Springfield the next morning we went to th Tomb. We have been there before, when I was much younger with my sister, Michele's, softball team, so It was fun for me to go back and see it. How amazing. We got home on Wednesday. Thursday was a doctors visit to Dr. Kim. He said everything was looking good, but he wants to see me once a year for a while. Not a big deal. Friday was the start of Tax free weekened in MO. We headed to best buy to get me a computer for school, and got in and out just in time for a quick lunch before our afternoon at the cancer center. Dr. Smith continues to like what he is seeing on the scale (+2 LNS) and my blood. I love getting good news from him. I won't see him again until September 7th (HUZZZAHHHHH!!!"After seeing him, I was sent up to three for my LONG wait for my monthly drug. Talk about a wait. Every month we do this, and yet, this hour long drug takes us about three hours from start to finish. Friday night we went to Dream Factory's event "Boulevard of Dreams" sponsored by Boulevard Brewing Company here in Kansas. It was a super fun and nice event for the KC chapter of Dream Factory. We were all so happy to be able to be there, and hope to be there for many years to come. Today, was a tax free shopping day with my sisters and mom. Tomorrow is family pictures and its looking to be a beautiful day here in KC for them. The massive packing is going to have to start soon, but this coming week is doctors on Wednesday and Thursday and surgery on Friday. I'm in for a big week so prayers are much appreciated. Love and Hugs, --N

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Hey All, As I finished reading through my caringbridge and all the guestbook entries I found a few that I want to post back to. There was one not to long ago from someone special (as you all are to me) that said: "Okay Sweetness, do you remember the first time we met and I told you there would be peaks and valleys.... mountains to climb and curvy roads to travel? This is them. You just fasten your seat belt; hang on to the steering wheel; and sing at the top of your lungs!!" How true is this statement? I feel as if I have been climbing a mountain since last August, and it is as if I can see the peak, but I'm not quite there yet. I'm getting there! The curvy roads have been tough but they have at least been semi fun. I've had my seat belt on the entire time, still do. Do you? I sure hope. Life doesn't stop around here. Just keeps on rolling. I'm also not sure if you could hear me, but my lungs are starting to hurt! whew! But, Im not planning on stopping anytime soon. I think its about time to change my tune though. There where lots of comments about how the road is long, and how I must have felt like it was never going to end. That is absolutely correct. In January it seemed as if it would never be over, but the big Guy blessed me greatly and kept it short! What a great guy!! And another one I want to chat about comes from Jori Hume. I have to call you out on this because not only did I wish to mirror your family's strength during my battle, you all where shinning stars while Sam was sick, and I think that is partly where I learned how to face things during the hard times. Also, you said that if there is ever a made for TV movie on lifetime about my life (fat chance) that Miss. Sam would like to play me. If one the off chance that this happens, She's got the part! It would be an HONNOR to have that beautiful young girl play me. And you all call me a rock star. That would be her. I wish that I could go over ever single entry and give a comment back, so maybe I will attempt to do so. It may take a while but maybe that's what I can do. Love and Hugs, -N

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day by Day..

Hey everyone, Isn't that a song? I believe I sang it my freshman year during our final choir production. "Day by by day..." Its from a musical from back in the day that the name is escaping me, of course. Do you have any idea what I am talking about? Its crazy to me how quickly life changes. I went from "normal" and "average" to a girl fighting cancer with the help of my family, and now suddenly we are starting to settle into our "new-normal." How quickly it has all happened. When it all began I was set that this past year would seem to never end, but it happened so fast (YAY)! Before my eyes fall faded to a Kansas winter with little snow (the one year I can't shovel. Go figure), to a early and beautiful spring, and now look we are back to a typical "Don't go outside" summer in Kansas City. Woah. Since I really don't do much these days besides lounge on the couch or do my exercises, I've had plenty of time to find some good books to stick my nose into. I've also found some great quotes, so I think I will share some of my favorites with you all. but I will tell you all that yesterday I got to drive my car all by myself, I drove to CVS to print some pictures for some people. Once mom got home we went BACK to CVS to get another set of pictures printed and something other things. Then, my best friend, Samantha, came over and we enjoyed some much needed time together, and had some yummy KC pizza with my family. On our way to take her home she needed to make a stop, so we took her to...yes....CVS for some things she needed for work. Yesterday, I loved CVS. It was basically the only place I went, not that I get out much. Alrighty, quote time. Here we go. -- "Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you deal with it." -- "Rain falls because the sky can no longer handle its weight. Tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain." -- "I never knew how strong I was; until that was my only option." -- "There's a day when you realize that you're not just a survivior you're a warrior." -- "I believe that your life can be changed in a matter of people who don't know you at all." Love and Hugs, -N

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Book...

Hey Everyone, Since all my medical things are behind me, I've decided to continue to update you all on everything Natalie on this site. Seems more....Normal? Thats the only word I can think of. This site started out as a place to post things for my "book." Well, Im not sure about the book, but I have been actively been putting a pen to paper to make what someday will either be edited and published(BIG dream) or I will type it up and post it on here for all of you lovely people!! I have to get this important message to all of you before I begin to bore you with my everyday boring college life that is about to begin. At my "celebration" a weeks ago, my sister, Christa and Jeff gave me a book of all the Caringbridge posts and guestbook entires from the past year. I have been slowly going though each entire and last night as I was reading I realized something and I feel as if its something I need to share with all of you. There are post after posts of you kind people telling me that I am your hero and inspiration, and maybe that is true, but you, dear lovely people, You are my Heros. YOU are why I can be here today and type this out for all of you. Attitude is MORE than half the battle and the other half was prayer and faith. You all have instilled a joy in me that makes me feel like the rock star you all think that I am. With my strong faith, it only has gotten stronger over the last year with the help of all of you. Im NEVER going to be able to explain it in the right words, and give enough thanks and love back to feel as if I have given you all what you have given me. I am an incredibly blessed child of God. I know that I have something AMAZING to do with my life, and I have an INCREDIBLE story to tell others. Yes, over the year I had enough bad days to last a life time but it was your kind words that helped me see the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I didn't need to pretend to have a "sunny" or "happy" outlook about things because you all have believed in me from the beginning. Look at the stock I come from. We are born and raised Fighters. Today, Mom and I watched "Letters to God." Its about a little boy who is 8 years old and lost his battle with brain cancer. His unbelievable faith in God is what kept him as an earthly angel for so long. When I was first diagniosed it was so easy for me to be upset with God and to want to just scream at him with questions like "WHY?" and "YOU CHOSE ME? ARE YOU NUTS" and "WHAT DID I DO WRONG"So, this one scene from "Letters to God" with the little boy, his best friend Sam, and her grandfather really stuck out to me: Her grandfather says to Tyler that he was hand picked by God to be one warriors. Wow, Right? Never thought of it that way. What a fantastic way to look at the not so fun situation. Not only have I been hand picked by God to one of his warriors, I now get to go an share my story with others about my GREAT God who loves me enough to keep me around. Even if it is just to bore all of you with my blog updates :) Love and Hugs -Natalie