Monday, August 13, 2012


Hey Everyone, Do you remember when you where little and promises meant the ENTIRE world to you? That small pinky promise meant the entire world. About a year ago when this crazy thing I call my life took me on an awkward turn my eye doctor Dr. Whittaker, PROMISED me that after brain surgery if my eyes we'rent fixed, He would personally do it. He promised that I would get my sight back. I was fixedated on him making that promise come true.Dr. Whittaker made his promise come true. I knew going into the OR that we were giving this the ol' "college-try."Maybe this wouldn't work. Maybe I would wake up with the same vision that i went to sleep in. But Dr. Whittaker did his job. I am SO thankful for him. I could just hug the guy. As I am typing this, I have my glasses, yes, but they are prism free and it makes life so much sweeter than with a prism attached. Woooooo!!! Sometimes when you are little you have to be able to forget about little promises that where made with whomever, but this was one promise that I never wanted to give up. I wanted my eyes back, even if that means glasses. There are worse things. I will touch on this quickly, before I went back to the OR, I got to meet with Dr. Whittaker one last time. He went over the operation and what exactly he would do. A little bit of me was freaking out about the possible pain I would be in when I woke up. Then Whittaker did something I wish every doctor would do. He grabbed my hand, and said a simple prayer to our God to guide the surgery and keep things going well. Instantly after "Amen" was said I was at ease. I knew that things would go well. What a relief. God has blessed me immensely. Not only by God, but also by all of you and your love, prayers, and support sent my way. Love and Hugs -N

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