chemo!!!! day two. we did it. lonnnnnggg day but we did we did it. we had radiation at 1130. and it was a fast day. with a blood draw. in and out. we had enough time to rock bbq for lunch. good times. sooo good. then we headed to wait at the cancer center. we saw dr. panicker. and she was super impressed with me and how much better i am just in the last week. yahoooo!!! I had sam and ean along for the ride today. it was....interesting. and we so played family feud while someone was watching it. it was awesome. we again waited longer for the med than we did for it to empty. good times. but fast. we got home around 430/ it was a long day. buut we stopped by the learning tree on our way out this morning. and it was so nice to see everyone, and be in the store. i actually miss working. lol. funny how that works out.
dinner tonight was goodcents with sam and it rocked soo good. mom and dad went out. enjoyed. so good.
i get to wash my head today, for the first time since i saw dr. pollock so off i go to get clean. gotta fight germs so i can chop my hair off this weekend. you know. normal.
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