Monday, September 26, 2011

a weekend away..

Having 4 weeks off is great. Last weekend we went to Iowa and watched my rock star best friend rock at soccer, and this past weekend we went to Branson on Thursday and Friday. then on the weekend we went to Arkansas. Got to see my best friends and grandma. it was so fun. it was a was like a weekend out of my dreams. everything I love in one weekend. hay goods. Good Music. My best frends. and chicken nines. It seemed like a lot of driving but i was happy to have everything i love in a weekend. it all comes down to me getting to buy jeggins!! so happy!! They are the most comfortable things ever. Talk about the best ten dollars ever!!!! I want to wear them and legggings every single day. screw pants.
Next weekend we are going to camp Chihowa out by Lake Perry for a retreat in my name. Kyle and Clint are putting it together. guess im talking about brain cancer on saturday. I don't really know. but Sunday they are doing the Head For A Cure in lawerece in my name. so Mom is going to walk and i am going to cheer everyone on. Im actually super excited about it. It shold be good. and I may get to see my favorite nurse from the Cancer center. But who really knows. Its a good few weeks to have a break. I don't start my next round of chemo until October 17th. I get to watch Bec play soccer at Backer on the 8th. Im very excited. i have to have an MRI sometime, according to Dr. Pollock. Im mostly excited to see her. I like Dr. P a lot. and after I have this MRI ll get to see Dr. Wang and all the cool cats at radiation. im ver excited for the end of my break, because after my chemo (and 8 days) I basically get a 20 day break. the suck part of this all is that it falls right on my birthday. Im not pleased about that, but i will be on "break" for thanksgiving and Christmas. Thats a ver good thing.

Friday, September 16, 2011

a break...??

MY DEAR READERS!! As of Monday Septer 12, 2011 I AM DONE WITH RADIAION!!!! gah, so sad to see my therapists go, but beyond happy to be done . not only with the being trapped to a table thing, but the blood drws three times a week going away is pretty awesome too! We cant go back and visit/follow up appointment until I have an MRI. Dr. Wang (wong) wants to see it, review it. blah blah blah. Doctor stuff. I don't know.My wonderful parents took me to my favorite place in KC for dinner, Grunaure, ger me that German food!! pure love. it was awesome!

I then have had the week to just chill. without afternoon radiation im not sure what to do with my self. I have so much time now. i am getting school work done, and people are coming to visit. my neighbor came yesterday with a BEAUTIFUL hat she made for me. Her husband works at KU so she said he would come visit me on the peds floor when im there and he can. :) they also just had a baby. so cute. SHe's going to bring her over to visit someday. I can't wait! Seet babies.

This weekend I get to go to Iowa, with Kyle and Kristine, to see Becca. Im SO excited!! having weekends off and REAL time offf gives us time to ACTUALLY do stuff Iowa this weekend to watch Becca play soccer, Arkansas next weekend to see my best friends and grandma, after we go to Branson for a night. Then a retreat. Walk in Lawerence "Head for a Cure" all that jazz. It should be pretty fun.

Yesterday, Dr. Smith (my personal favorite dr i see weekly) did the teaching for the next round of chemo. I start around the 17th. and will most likely spend the week in the hospital....? Its a 28 day cycle, and I will do it 6 times. Yeah, your thinking about time now, aren't you? that March or April. hoping my counts stay up and I don't have to skip! thats the goal.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A not so labor.... Day

It's been a few days. And well I finished round one of chemo!!!!!!!!!!! I'm two short treatments away from being done with radiation. Then i get a "break"?? I'm sure it can be counted if they take blood three times a week, and I still see the doctor every Friday....mbut a break none the less. And I've got it planned. Iowa. Arkansas. Perry, KS. Parttttyyy

My dear friends surprised me this weekend!!!! It was awesome! I was so happy to see them! Took them to lunch! They have hearts of gold! I cannot wait to go see them!!

My senior English teacher also came to visit! I so enjoyed her being here! I told my story. Laughed. Typocal bonjour fun times!! I was happy about it.
Monday we went to sana cali gone days. It was beautiful outside!! Loved it! And I was super happy to be out and about!!

*-*-* Gross alert*-*-*
Tuesaday mom decided she wanted taco Tuesday. So off to johnnys tavern we went! Well, yeah. I punched an ENTIRE glass of IDE water at my dad, cried about it because I felt so bad!! Then after I ate my hot dog...i threw up.... And cried. Again. I have never felt so bad in my life!!!!! Yeah..not fun!

We see the doctor tomorrow. It will be interesting to see the plan and what they have to say. Dr. Smith hasn't seen my sexy new glasses so it will be fun to talk to him.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Number 6

For once I am not welcoming the long weekend.nit means only 4 days of radiation, keeping me until the 12th. I've been ready to ring that bell since I found out about it, like 2 weeks ago. I'm mostly ready for my 4 week break. I wanna see my friends, and do something fun!!!
I did, on the other han, finish round one of chemo today!!!!! We had the family over for dinner, and showed off my new glasses. It was good to have a full house. Doctor panicker told us today, she STILL wants blood three times a week, while on break. And we all know she loves me so much (??) that she wants to see me every Friday. Kinda annoying. So much for long weekends, and actually getting a break... The chemo nurses where sad to see me go today, and as much as I love becca, I was happy to go! Let's grab the 12th and ring that bell, and say goodbye to radiation for good!!!!! I will miss them all terribly, but maybe I'll go visit??? Who knows.
Hopefully mom and I will have a busy weekend. We have a funeral tomorrow, and then possibly lunch, and light shopping. Sunday is brew day around our house (gross) so church for sure, and then my senior English techer talked about coming to visit. Monday we may go to sanacalagon (?) days. Never been. Kinda hoping the weather will be good so we can go!! Busy but fun weekend, just the way I like it!'n