yeah, this might very quickly become the worst/ shortest book. My writing skills are nowhere near good enough to make this actually with reading.
Well, round four of Chemo will hopefully start on Monday, depending on my counts. My counts are the best they have been in a very long time! My magnesium is low, so they are taking away the cycplatin drug, which is the one that is killing my kidneys. My platelets are low, so if they are still low for tomorrows blood draw, I will most likely get a transfusion Monday. another blood draw Tuesday that has good enough results to start Chemo, (Thank the Lord for my port) Or this would be worse) I'm actually hoping that treatment starts Monday. My birthday is on Thursday and my friends will be home from school ( :D ) This treatment shouldn't be so bad on my kidneys so I will actually get to enjoy Christmas, and a quick trip to Branson before the year is out. Also, my friend Emily and I are planning a Birthday party for the two of us. I am happy that my counts will be good enough to get to do everything I want to get done before new years.
Things have been a little stressful this week. My 7 month old nephew is in the hospital with a double ear infection, influenza, and pneumonia with a pocket of infection around It. Poor baby port-man. Being that he is so sick, I can't go visit him. I feel like a really terrible Aunt but me heart is with sick baby boy. We get to watch Little Legs (Laney Rose) tonight. I am very excited to get to play with her. Shes goofy, always has me laughing, and Keeps me feeling young. (meaning we color, and watch animated movies together.)
Being an Aunt is so fun, im looking forward to my eldest sister and brother-in-law to have their first baby in April. Happy you finished treatment, new niece or nephew. I will actually get to watch this baby grow. I missed out on Portman getting big because of this whole brain cancer/ surgery thing. Its like he was just a little baby, and now hes a sweet giggly boy. SO SWEET. sitting up, rolling like a mad mad. laughing up a storm. And getting Big!!!! Our family is not used to havinv a boy around, so its been so nice. Something so differnt. Its fun ans I know my dad can't wait for him to be big enough to hang out in the shop wiith him. If he is anything like Little Legs, he will love spening time with his Mimi and Papa. For now he just loves eveyone equally.
besides a few family set backs, things are going well.. Mostly happy my counts have been good enouh, I got to go along to get all my christmas gifts, and started wrapping a storm yesterday. Tis' the season.
At my rate of writing, HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!